Today is just one of those days.
Usually that phrase has a negative connotation. You read it accompanied with a sigh, knowing whatever follows is going to be a downer. Not today! Today is just one of those days I am thankful. Even better, I feel thankful. My heart is full of affection. It feels like that day in elementary school when Spring was just beginning to peak out its head from the corner of Winter. Your teacher opened the windows halfway to let fresh air in-- and you were hooked. Spring gently blew the ends of your hair and swirled its fresh cut grass aroma in from the lower yard. The whole classroom came alive. Sunlight was creeping along the floor toward your desk. No longer paying attention to the math speed drills, you slipped one shoe off to let your foot dance around warm and bare in the sunlight. Lungs filled up bigger than they had all day with the heady breeze of the outdoors. You felt alive. And in that moment, you were thankful with every part of your being. Today is just one of those days, and I am thankful for life. It is hard and messy and unknown and devastating and exciting and beautiful. Life is rich. If nothing else it has provided and continues to provide a treasure trove of delights, hardships, and frustrations producing deeper trust in my God. Getting to know him and trust him is the most difficult adventure I've yet embarked on. I am grateful for this imperfect life. Without it I would not be afforded the opportunity to see the faithfulness of God this side of eternity. And his faithfulness is the most glorious thing to behold. This earth is bursting with the rhythms of his promise keeping nature. As Spring begins to creep into my apartment today I am witness to the steadfastness of our God. He is good. He does only good. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1 John 5:12
welcome Audrey DeFord is an artist, illustrator, wife, momma, believer. But not in that order. She currently resides in Texas with her husband Sam, baby girl Flora, French bully Shortstack, & 12
chickens. Categories
January 2016